George Orwell was an optimist What are the good Orwell to not even dared dream is becoming true ..........
While the state television, the people with the usual Green Monday garbage bothered to half the world is in turmoil, Libyien burning, and food prices and energy costs are rising in the sky are one by one the liberties of the people abolished. But hey, what's to do? The main thing we can yell or Alaaf Helau, for et het still jegange always jut! How under the "terrorism" cries out for more and better technical supervision, while the usual false reports shows once again launched the Springer press ........

Under the headline "Big safety margins in Frankfurt terrorist attack" is the "world
on 6 Therefore, in March. (! Which there is not likely) Citing security ominous circles, readers are suggested here:
"The video surveillance of the Flughafenberreichs by the 21-year-old Kosovar Arid U. killed on 2 March 2011, two U.S. soldiers, was defective. "
course is now one of the usual terrorist / security / military / financial / expert expert to speak, in this case, Dieter Wiefelspütz (SPD) in order to remember we need more and better surveillance technology and review this more often is! (If yes normally be a matter of course!) All Germans to remember that we have so far escaped only with great "luck" the Böhsen Islamist "terrorists" brings the "World" under the item to a gallery with 14! failed terror attacks in Germany.
What's it will say: "What are you so stupid, what do the" Springer "is self-presse debt?". And right you have, because if the "world" operates at a much higher level than the Sudelkollegen the "image", it is still not a single word is true! Just another attempt to put the public in fear of evil Islam. The guise of security to the freedom of citizens to restrict further. Not that we get here in UK one day as conditions on the Tahirplatz in Egypt!
For even be corrected on March 7, the "colleagues" in the "world" from the "FAZ
. then represent the whole, the times correctly and factually incorrect. I may therefore quote correctly:
"All time of the crime cameras installed worked," Fraport spokesman Thomas Uber said on Monday. There are both pictures from the outer region, where the bus was attacked, as well as recordings from the terminal to which the perpetrator fled. "This is all the investigating authorities have been handed over." Uber disagrees with a report in the daily newspaper "Die Welt". A spokesman for the federal prosecutor in Karlsruhe confirmed that the investigators of video material.
No matter where you look, producing only worst opinion manipulation by another terrorist fears and stir up Isalmfeindliche forces are only the expression of our own inhumanity.
How helpless and hopeless dilletentisch the so-called "West" again hires when it comes to democratic change to recognize and support us in these days again showed distinctly the "elite" - killer bands of the British SAS. In an amateurish attempt, they wanted the Western public once again prove that James Bond just a wimp, the film industry. The article in the
mirror do with the heroic title of "intelligence debacle in Libya" fool in the desert. "An apt title! Estates so-called special unit penetrates the helicopter illegally into Libyan territory, and can then be a surprise bunch of amateur rebels capture. Real specialists! The best of the best, Sir! The seriously pissed-off resistance fighters on the phone once pointed out to the British ambassador. Of course, the Gaddafi-adherents of this telephone conversation recorded on (maybe even with surveillance technology from UK?), And had made him repeat a lot of fun for hours as if the recording on TV. For what said the British ambassador to the rebels on the phone was not just in Libyien for elegant serenity: Quote:
"It was a serious mistake to land a helicopter in an open area," rebel spokesman said the ambassador, who stays just in London. "I did not know that they come," the ambassador apologizes lame. There was even a pre command which should look for suitable hotels for a delegation. "
Certainly, yes, no, is clear! Specialists of the SAS as a travel clerk in terms of hotel room check on the spot. If you are caught in the shit Building is one is just advice sometimes better just to shut up.
The most obvious lies are declared to be truth. "War is Peace" and "freedom is slavery", the fear of imaginary and self-created "enemies" is to used to monitor people to censor them all liberties to rob. Incitement to hatred on all sides, because the enemy is known to be always the "stranger" and the dissenters. Extent that these manipulations Orwell book "1984" has long passed. The gigantic technical development was just in 1948, when the book was, not even to guess. Many people who know me say I had just too pessimistic way of thinking, my thinking is too negative and not so constructive. But that's bullshit, yes. Every day when you go through life with open eyes, the media coverage on as many paths followed, and no X can put anything over on U shows, a measure of how great the oppression has already become. Because 2 +2 is now not even 5!
available here as "proof" just a few recent reports on the state of surveillance technology. All just to protect our interests and our liberal, democratic legal system! (Btw - I like the word "JUSTICE" Regulation)
Long before the idea of our "People's kicker" to the use of completely "harmless" body scanners at airports went on the Americans, as always, just a few steps . The award in 2005 million orders to develop mobile whole body scanner with which masses of people, or individual "individuals" to scan in large groups of people. Certainly with the firm intention of these facilities clearly marked and use it only to security-related agencies. Quote from USA Today
"Two contracts the department signed in 2005 and 2006 were part of its effort to acquire technology to find suicide bombers in a crowd of moving people"
or :
"The Homeland Security Department paid contractors millions of dollars to develop and study surveillance systems that could covertly track pedestrians and check under people's clothing with airport-style body scanners as they enter train stations, bus depots or major events, newly released documents show. "
Sure, sure - anything to stop the many suicide bombers in the U.S.. Maybe they would have had better tried in Afghanistan. Since that excuse would still at least halfway make sense. can
How far advanced in Europe's intentions to monitor and censor the Internet under the guise of the fight against child pornography to be read on this website here. ( ) It's about the current state of the EU's plans to power locks. I quote here just the current state of the considerations:
If the deletion of mentioned websites that offer child pornography, or distribute within a reasonable time is possible, should be taken by Member States taking, including non-legislative measures to ensure that the access block is made possible on these websites for Internet users in their territory . The access barriers are subject to proper control, in particular to ensure that the locking limit, taking into account the technical characteristics to the essential minimum that users informed of the reasons for the lock, and that content providers will be informed as far as possible the fact that they can appeal the decision.
may now at any time to ask yourself what's probably of non-legislative measures meant. be enforced Certainly all these measures only in the context of terrorism and all serious crimes. No way to monitor citizens for political or ideological spying. Should anyone be of the opinion all this only arises once again the negative thinking of the author, I recommend time at Aunt "Koogle" type in the search term "Indect monitoring". The place fairly quickly then sites like this: "The
time online ", "info war news
" or "
EurActiv . Ah, the good but George Orwell would have guessed all these possibilities, his novel would become a thriller of superlatives. (PS: Here's the
Federal Trojan downloads )
Of course there are always the voices of those who say, "Who has done nothing, has nothing to fear!" How fast can it go however, which is as ordinary Internet users to target civilian, can fall as well as criminal investigations, demonstrating the Group "Sony". One reads for today " 'the following:
In the dispute with George 'Geohot' Hotz Sony has access to the IP addresses of all visitors of Hotz 'website. Also, Youtube, Google's and Twitter to publish data.
According to a report by Wired Sony has access to the IP addresses of all internet users who have visited the site of Playstation 3 Hacker George Hotz since January 2009.
get practice on call corporations and governments access to "their" data and so learn all about their surfing habits, and so throughout their life and thought. At the end of the state knows more about you than her own mother. come completely without any suspicion people targeted by investigations already really not bad so'n law.
Each type of data collecting mania is a bolt pushed forward. Whether on the provider level, in companies or the damn advertising industry. The stockpiling of data should be an opt-in opportunity and in any case subject to the approval of the user. Absolute transparency about the amount of data collected is an absolute must. The transfer of such data to companies, individuals or the State should in all cases subject to strict judicial scrutiny and requires an accurate legal reasoning. The claim of any attorney, the user may have a few MP3's for private purposes is not enough from the net in favor.
As long as the state has the largest sniffer in this country, you should try as much as possible just to avoid snooping. Encryption, or operation Anonymmisierungsdienste separate server with an encrypted SSH access are the magic words. This is our "Stasi"-fetishists in government and industry, not detain, but applied in mass it makes them pretty hard but the sniffing and uncomfortable. In this sense .......