Book Review gardens of Provence
Mangold, Gudrun Bruno Preschesmisky gardens of Provence, 158 p. m. 201 Farbf. Kosmos-2010 Franckh
You can tell the lyrics to the enthusiasm of the author of this landscape. Gudrun Mangold, journalist, author, filmmaker, for this book, the sixteen most beautiful green spaces has chosen - a medieval garden near the Pont du Gard, the bamboo forest on the edge of the Cevennes, a water garden in the alluvial deposits of the Rhône, old terraces full of dye plants in the Luberon mountains, noble palace gardens in Aix-en-Provence , the heady perfume gardens in Grasse. This makes it almost like on a garden tour before-time, told of quirks of the gardens, special plant, the life of the garden owners. Full Rezenions read Gardens of Provence
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Bra Size Breast Comparison
Two Garden Events for the weekend
23:10 .- 24.10. Rose Hip Rose Festival school call 61231 Bad Nauheim-Steinfurth
23:10 .- 24.10. Herdecker orchids days from greenhouses Warrior 58313 Herdecke
Read Honey X Honey Drops Raws
Loki Schmidt The botanical gardens in Germany
light of recent Analß - Loki Schmidt, the botanist and plant protector of passion, died yesterday at the age of 91 years, a book:
Schmidt, Loki Botanical Gardens in Germany 320 S. Hoffmann & Campe 1997
Since the seventies, Loki Schmidt is committed to the Botanical Gardens as important institutions for the study and conservation of biological diversity and as sites to communicate the ethical responsibility of humans for the preservation of natural heritage . At the beginning
the eighties, they started an initiative to collect seeds of wild plants and in a gene bank to hinterlegen.Im part of its commitment to the Botanical Gardens in 1986, she initiated the international exchange of gardeners, who initially supported by the Foundation for Nature and plants and has recently a foundation funded ( Foundation International gardeners exchange ). Herein are currently the botanical gardens in Hamburg, Jerusalem (Israel), St. Petersburg (Russia), Merida (Venezuela), Gothenburg (Sweden) and Mexico City joined together, between which date more than 50 mutual working visits were carried out by gardeners. All 70 botanical gardens are described in detail with their history, their stocks and the local characteristics. It is the first complete overview of some the world's major collections of botanical gardens in Germany
read full review botanical gardens in Germany
light of recent Analß - Loki Schmidt, the botanist and plant protector of passion, died yesterday at the age of 91 years, a book:
Schmidt, Loki Botanical Gardens in Germany 320 S. Hoffmann & Campe 1997
Since the seventies, Loki Schmidt is committed to the Botanical Gardens as important institutions for the study and conservation of biological diversity and as sites to communicate the ethical responsibility of humans for the preservation of natural heritage . At the beginning
the eighties, they started an initiative to collect seeds of wild plants and in a gene bank to hinterlegen.Im part of its commitment to the Botanical Gardens in 1986, she initiated the international exchange of gardeners, who initially supported by the Foundation for Nature and plants and has recently a foundation funded ( Foundation International gardeners exchange ). Herein are currently the botanical gardens in Hamburg, Jerusalem (Israel), St. Petersburg (Russia), Merida (Venezuela), Gothenburg (Sweden) and Mexico City joined together, between which date more than 50 mutual working visits were carried out by gardeners. All 70 botanical gardens are described in detail with their history, their stocks and the local characteristics. It is the first complete overview of some the world's major collections of botanical gardens in Germany
read full review botanical gardens in Germany
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
How Should A Cervix Be 3 Days Before Your Period
21 - The end of democracy
What does the protest in Stuttgart for the rest of the country? Something we can learn from, or everything stays the same? What is it really in the debate, which call a "resistance" and the "others" illegitimate protest? Is this a train station or at much more? There is something rotten in this country! First I would like Gregor Gysi can have their say:
There is a new distance between the rulers and the governed. In the population creates a rebellious spirit. The whole project Stuttgart 21 can not be explained. They say the Hartz-IV-recipient, you have no money, there is not more than five euros. They say their parents' money should be deleted. They decide on a large scale social cuts and elsewhere you say that of course we have ten billion for an underground train station. The people do not understand easily. And I think that's understandable. Then the police action: The demonstrations were peaceful, and then these totally disproportionate use of force by the police. There are political leaders. If you do not make a contribution to ensuring that those responsible be held responsible and then you destroy the relationship of trust with the people - not only in Stuttgart.
There is already no longer a train station. The question is not how reasonable is really Stuttgart 21, how high the costs will be. It raises the question as legitimate "democratic" and "legally" adopted projects of our democracy. Are the decisions of parliaments and courts at the "people" by only a political expression of an Arrogant "class", or is there more to it? With a "distance" of the politicians of the people all have to do anything more long ago, but it is the wish of the economic "powerful" for a "soft" form of fascism!
democracy is today only as a "disadvantage" considered. The decisions of parliaments, governments and courts take the men's business too long. Too many considerations must be taken from time to time you have to even before the "unwillingness" of voters in eight assume the "administrator" of the Republic (which implement the decisions of the economy in "parliaments"!) Do indeed re-elected, finally be. Oh, what need for the "wonderful" conditions in China, are Saudi Arabia and other dictatorships? Absolutely ideal conditions, as the trains roll on, while we have the plan approval process nor in the first Instance is determined.
is no wonder that even Professor Münkler, holder of the chair of "Theory of Politics" at the Institute of Social Sciences at Humboldt University in Berlin, in his article " The false luster of dictatorship "on the website of International Affairs ( Notes:
The uneasiness with democracy comes from the slowness of the process, the slowness of decision making, the defects in the selection of political personnel, the widespread tendency of politicians, the things around excuses, because they fear to be punished politically for speaking truths, including the influence of political parties and interest groups. If there is bad, this suggests unease in the hope for a superb individual, take the quick and clear decisions and then enforce that decided to quickly. The desire for "a little dictatorship" comes to democratic feet and waives vociferous anti-democratic rhetoric behind.And he writes
is the key question: Is it beyond the legal order legitimacy reserves tapped and taken advantage will be able to rejuvenate a come in the years right?
That was also before, in the good old days in which so many of our grandfathers remembered so much. At that time, the Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt wrote on methods of justice in the Weimar Republic. Schmitt distinguished the legitimacy (positive law to comply with a higher standard) of the legality (compliance of positive law). He took in the last years of the Weimar Republic, THE VIEW, legality and legitimacy do not match, and was preparing his thesis for the Protection of the dictatorship legitimacy could be necessary, including the Nazi regime way. (Link: " )
Thus one understands why a lot more MP Mappus when he visited Saudi Arabia and Qatar, where it is laughed at on-site only. Here a quote from the "Pforzheimer Zeitung:
" I admire how they manage to make the middle of the desert, a land under cultivation and to make progress, "he says. The countries are in a weird way and pace it would have great interest in an exchange with countries such as Baden-Württemberg. "And the lives of them that we can keep up with the pace of development, and I'm sometimes worried independently of 'Stuttgart 21' "
Yes there is the Good envious and secretly wish for such conditions for our Republic. Should only come afterwards and say no we were not warned. These are the wet dreams of the business heads of the banana republic of Germany. The Pforzheimer Zeitung continues:
shows Once there, the Baden-Württemberg's Prime Minister surprised at the innovation of his Arab interlocutors. "We admire speed with which they approach and implement projects" he repeated continually. At the same time issued a general Mappus building freeze in Stuttgart again clearly rejected (source : )
the way, the reasons why Mappus on behalf of the economy at our expense through the Middle East has to travel - I will not ask for better, otherwise I feel bad.
is then no wonder that now the forces of the police beating students are sprayed with Pfeffferspray and one retired with a water cannon, the sight is taken. (Http:/ / )
all for the sake of democracy. It's just tick but only "list", nothing more. have you thought of a dictatorship by the people, a genuine people's democracy, and is likely not even the old "Marx" well. Remains at the end but probably just an economic fascism. Brave new world that nobody wants. The protests will continue, not only in Stuttgart, all over the world. Also, new laws that restrict freedom of speech and turn the Internet into a monitored zone will be unable to stop the people. The Stasi would be proud of this democracy. Even if one day of the Left calls but finally admitting it was an unjust state, the GDR, some methods still enjoy our American friends all the rage, z.Bsp. the Berlin Wall! (Source: ) How should we be really stupid to recognize not, all of which benefit the economy will be implemented? No man in this world is interested in what the mob wants, not one.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Fritolay Job Application
Quo vadis Germany?
Now he is so over, the Day of German Unity, and one wonders what other than a bad taste in the mouth, is it still now ? On 3 October 1990 ended the existence of two German states. Not only the GDR ceased to exist, the FRG! It 's just forget the child to enter a new name. With the disappearance of real socialism in the former Eastern bloc countries, the pressure disappeared on the governments of the West, something similar as to create social justice. The "good" old social market economy was then well done, a relic that has become useless. The way was clear to unknown dimensions of capitalism, where no man has gone before. But then one would have guessed that one may already be on 20 Anniversary of the reunification of the President's speech, a Christian Wulff listening must certainly have many politicians delayed the new republic on such unsound feet provide. For beyond all the rhetoric, how is he now, the state of the republic after 20 years of turbo-capitalism? A description of the everyday madness ... ... ...
The Federal President give from time to time, trivial chatter and of itself is not really a new insight. What the "Big Blonde in Lower Saxony, Christian Wulff, however because of there are on such a significant day, but it is hardly to beat. After Thilo S. also "all of us," President felt called to the footsteps of an amateur historian to convert by the German history just quickly lump sum to a "Christian-Jewish" history in the water. Respect!
The rest of the speech, the usual Bla Bla and recently has become fashionable to attack (with low incomes) is no longer available intelligence. How else does one explain sentences such as these?
Funny, I just thought the Conservatives argue that the word "conservative" means for the use of "whatever was, and not for what was always! And so I quote Heiner Geissler (former Secretary General of the CDU is now also a member of Attac!), But maybe everything is different now, too?
If he had left it but only in such trivia! ! He, as a member of a parallel society (the caste of the "performers"), has from the German-German real life one may not know him but still forgive this insult here but then goes a bit too far. Even further away can not be the life of the people in U.S.! I quote:
the full text of this meaningless and empty speech can be read here: ( Link ) By the way, by the way, which is Muslim or that Muslim women, to use the correct terms, writes really this! ! President? Have nothing to do in the ghetto Neuköllner else, or take drugs ? This of course is bullshit in real life I need to tell most anyone. Who me, however, does not believe the times I give here a reference to people-not represäntative voice. A review of the "current camera" now funny enough to say " Tagesschau !
Soso, 67.4% of people think not!, Which is part of Islam to Germany. On Sexiest I find the 1.7% who say: Do not know / I do not care! Then I ever excited to see what colleagues in the CSU will say this ... .. I really liked the comments the reader to an article on Spiegel-Online . Here's one of my favorites:
Unfortunately Mr. Wulff forget that Germany is based on the scientific and philosophical thought in Greece and on investigation, including the criticism of religion and psychoanalysis, including the description of childhood indoctrination, and their consequences. The monotheistic religions that inhibited maturation of intellectual history, unfortunately, for centuries, which now has been fortified by his knowledge of Mr. Wulff, and Islam are now part of Germany.
Well then congratulations, Germany, for this "enrichment"!
A good piece much better than this amateur president makes attendance at " TIME . They subtitled "German Unity: Thanks! and writes "From the German division of a German recovery has come". At least the attempt of an objective assessment of the separate and all-German path through the chaos of the postwar period. A recognition of the life power on both sides of the fence, the differences and the similarities, the happiness of one and the bad luck of others.
is offside our beloved prejudices and the stupidest of all Germans to accept (DAD) to clear the unit had a profit and they face the challenges of changing requirements of globalization is an advantage. The so many "better Wessi he still believed the unit had paid all alone and the" lazy "Osssi also has not been ungrateful in the fairy tale realm of" image "readers. (Where "image" and read in itself is a contradiction!)
Like the " WORLD " do have the East Germans paid for the unit itself. Taking into account not only the gigantic transfer of control means incredible 1.5 trillion but calculated also macro economic effects in, then you wonder who really are in East and West, the real winners and losers of the unification process. The debt of the one is just always the gain of the other! Looks hold out as usual. The little man is the looser, while "top" the billions raked in which the display of my little calculator crazy plays.
We remember still like to industry experts, the "Trustee", which brought in, too Horst Köhler and Birgit Breuel their tremendous expertise and the country worst-hit as Attila the Hun would have ever attempt it. ( public property at a bargain price ) or how to create a national wealth of 600 billion DM to squander, while earning just a "revenue" from DM 73 billion and make it still a "loss" of 264 billion DM is also not be explained so easily. Probability is needed because a study on an "excellence" UNI, in each case, and after a brilliant career ....
Now he is so over, the Day of German Unity, and one wonders what other than a bad taste in the mouth, is it still now ? On 3 October 1990 ended the existence of two German states. Not only the GDR ceased to exist, the FRG! It 's just forget the child to enter a new name. With the disappearance of real socialism in the former Eastern bloc countries, the pressure disappeared on the governments of the West, something similar as to create social justice. The "good" old social market economy was then well done, a relic that has become useless. The way was clear to unknown dimensions of capitalism, where no man has gone before. But then one would have guessed that one may already be on 20 Anniversary of the reunification of the President's speech, a Christian Wulff listening must certainly have many politicians delayed the new republic on such unsound feet provide. For beyond all the rhetoric, how is he now, the state of the republic after 20 years of turbo-capitalism? A description of the everyday madness ... ... ...
The Federal President give from time to time, trivial chatter and of itself is not really a new insight. What the "Big Blonde in Lower Saxony, Christian Wulff, however because of there are on such a significant day, but it is hardly to beat. After Thilo S. also "all of us," President felt called to the footsteps of an amateur historian to convert by the German history just quickly lump sum to a "Christian-Jewish" history in the water. Respect!
The rest of the speech, the usual Bla Bla and recently has become fashionable to attack (with low incomes) is no longer available intelligence. How else does one explain sentences such as these?
brings us to the second answer to our question: "Germany, united fatherland"? What does that mean today? 20 years after the unit, we face a major task to find new courage to change to allow new cohesion in a rapidly changing world. For in this world the promise of old certainties of course, is popular, but often misleading.
Funny, I just thought the Conservatives argue that the word "conservative" means for the use of "whatever was, and not for what was always! And so I quote Heiner Geissler (former Secretary General of the CDU is now also a member of Attac!), But maybe everything is different now, too?
If he had left it but only in such trivia! ! He, as a member of a parallel society (the caste of the "performers"), has from the German-German real life one may not know him but still forgive this insult here but then goes a bit too far. Even further away can not be the life of the people in U.S.! I quote:
If I write German Muslims: "You are our president" - I answer all my heart: Yes, of course, I am your president! And with the passion and conviction with which I am the president of all people who live here in Germany.
the full text of this meaningless and empty speech can be read here: ( Link ) By the way, by the way, which is Muslim or that Muslim women, to use the correct terms, writes really this! ! President? Have nothing to do in the ghetto Neuköllner else, or take drugs ? This of course is bullshit in real life I need to tell most anyone. Who me, however, does not believe the times I give here a reference to people-not represäntative voice. A review of the "current camera" now funny enough to say " Tagesschau !
Soso, 67.4% of people think not!, Which is part of Islam to Germany. On Sexiest I find the 1.7% who say: Do not know / I do not care! Then I ever excited to see what colleagues in the CSU will say this ... .. I really liked the comments the reader to an article on Spiegel-Online . Here's one of my favorites:
Unfortunately Mr. Wulff forget that Germany is based on the scientific and philosophical thought in Greece and on investigation, including the criticism of religion and psychoanalysis, including the description of childhood indoctrination, and their consequences. The monotheistic religions that inhibited maturation of intellectual history, unfortunately, for centuries, which now has been fortified by his knowledge of Mr. Wulff, and Islam are now part of Germany.
Well then congratulations, Germany, for this "enrichment"!
A good piece much better than this amateur president makes attendance at " TIME . They subtitled "German Unity: Thanks! and writes "From the German division of a German recovery has come". At least the attempt of an objective assessment of the separate and all-German path through the chaos of the postwar period. A recognition of the life power on both sides of the fence, the differences and the similarities, the happiness of one and the bad luck of others.
is offside our beloved prejudices and the stupidest of all Germans to accept (DAD) to clear the unit had a profit and they face the challenges of changing requirements of globalization is an advantage. The so many "better Wessi he still believed the unit had paid all alone and the" lazy "Osssi also has not been ungrateful in the fairy tale realm of" image "readers. (Where "image" and read in itself is a contradiction!)
Like the " WORLD " do have the East Germans paid for the unit itself. Taking into account not only the gigantic transfer of control means incredible 1.5 trillion but calculated also macro economic effects in, then you wonder who really are in East and West, the real winners and losers of the unification process. The debt of the one is just always the gain of the other! Looks hold out as usual. The little man is the looser, while "top" the billions raked in which the display of my little calculator crazy plays.
We remember still like to industry experts, the "Trustee", which brought in, too Horst Köhler and Birgit Breuel their tremendous expertise and the country worst-hit as Attila the Hun would have ever attempt it. ( public property at a bargain price ) or how to create a national wealth of 600 billion DM to squander, while earning just a "revenue" from DM 73 billion and make it still a "loss" of 264 billion DM is also not be explained so easily. Probability is needed because a study on an "excellence" UNI, in each case, and after a brilliant career ....
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