photos Oirlicher snowdrop days in 2011
giant was the choice of snowdrop varieties in Nettetal again and the event on Saturday again very well attended! Sunday, it has unfortunately given pouring down with rain all day - then of course get less visitors. But one wondered how many were made despite the bad weather on the way! was
Hill Poe
But beautiful Helleborus places it
And Oirlicher garden again thick tuff of special snowdrops
decorative pots with snowdrops
report in the Garden View Blog
photos from the past few years
photos of my snowdrops trip to Holland a week before
photos Boschhoeve
The selection of snowdrops in the snowdrop days Boschhoeve was Wolfheze not compare with the in Oirlich but there also many varieties were getting - and the large crowd accordingly. And it was the last day - because the rare're mostly gone. One major advantage is the large barn in the cold not had the exhibitors (and visitors) in the cold weather ... Clearly larger than that in Oirlich was the choice of china, linen etc. with snowdrops motives.
were in the garden Boschhoeve almost never signs on the snowdrop - so few photos I've taken of the Galanthus.
was very interesting private garden - I really want to visit again in summer!
photos Warande
So-called Stinzenpflanzen are wild ornamental plants, especially bulbs, are found in old country houses, cemeteries and city walls, a special case naturalized under the alien plant species, include them also the snowdrops. On the grounds of De Warande at Arnhem, and between Doesburg Doetinchem, the collector of these plants has Trudi Woerdemann they replanted. She has also written a book about special plants - unfortunately only available in Dutch: "Tuinieren Stinzenplanten met.
The snowdrop days it was only a small table with some snowdrop varieties (especially the Warande varieties Grootste, Groen point (possibly resist I could not!) And Zierraad) and other spring flowers from the connected Gärtnrei could buy one, no third-party . In the garden, the snowdrops were all marked with signs, where I was able to see some photos of varieties, which I do not as a photo I do. Here
was opened to private garden library - most books on the shelves, but many in the English language, but look at the photos was fun! I could not pass on the - -
Warande Groen's point lets see how they will do in my garden!
have also visited our private garden in Waalwijk - but the owners are "herauskomplemenntiert" fairly quickly - well ...
More photos here!