Monday, February 28, 2011

What To Wear Gym Swimming

Snowdrop - Galanthus - Event Reports

photos Oirlicher snowdrop days in 2011

giant was the choice of snowdrop varieties in Nettetal again and the event on Saturday again very well attended! Sunday, it has unfortunately given pouring down with rain all day - then of course get less visitors. But one wondered how many were made despite the bad weather on the way! was



Hill Poe

But beautiful Helleborus places it



And Oirlicher garden again thick tuff of special snowdrops




decorative pots with snowdrops

Here is a newspaper report

report in the Garden View Blog

photos from the past few years

photos of my snowdrops trip to Holland a week before

photos Boschhoeve

The selection of snowdrops in the snowdrop days Boschhoeve was Wolfheze not compare with the in Oirlich but there also many varieties were getting - and the large crowd accordingly. And it was the last day - because the rare're mostly gone. One major advantage is the large barn in the cold not had the exhibitors (and visitors) in the cold weather ... Clearly larger than that in Oirlich was the choice of china, linen etc. with snowdrops motives.
were in the garden Boschhoeve almost never signs on the snowdrop - so few photos I've taken of the Galanthus.

was very interesting private garden - I really want to visit again in summer!





photos Warande

So-called Stinzenpflanzen are wild ornamental plants, especially bulbs, are found in old country houses, cemeteries and city walls, a special case naturalized under the alien plant species, include them also the snowdrops. On the grounds of De Warande at Arnhem, and between Doesburg Doetinchem, the collector of these plants has Trudi Woerdemann they replanted. She has also written a book about special plants - unfortunately only available in Dutch: "Tuinieren Stinzenplanten met.

The snowdrop days it was only a small table with some snowdrop varieties (especially the Warande varieties Grootste, Groen point (possibly resist I could not!) And Zierraad) and other spring flowers from the connected Gärtnrei could buy one, no third-party . In the garden, the snowdrops were all marked with signs, where I was able to see some photos of varieties, which I do not as a photo I do. Here
was opened to private garden library - most books on the shelves, but many in the English language, but look at the photos was fun! I could not pass on the - -



Warande Groen's point lets see how they will do in my garden!

have also visited our private garden in Waalwijk - but the owners are "herauskomplemenntiert" fairly quickly - well ...


More photos here!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Skin Rash Growing Beard

weekend tips for gardeners

  • "The" event for Galanthophile - Snowdrop lovers!

    02.26 .- 27.02. Nettetal snowdrop days Oirlicher flower garden 41334 Nettetal-Hinsbeck

    ( photos of the event visited )

  • more of tips:
  • 6:02 .- 27.02. Snowdrop weekend Sneeuwklokjesweekend Arboretum Kalmthout, Belgium

  • 26.02 .- 27.02. Hellebore days Helleboresdagen Kwekerij Ferdinandushof Overslag Ro / Netherlands

  • 27.02. Helleborustag Kerstroosdag Kwekerij de Walburg Nuenen, Netherlands

  • 27.02. Schneeglöckchentag Sneeuwklokjes-en Entdag Stichting Warnsveldse monuments Warnsveld / Netherlands

  • 02.26 .- 27.02. Hellebore days nursery Bastin Aalbeek / Netherlands

  • Thursday, February 24, 2011

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    Guttenberg, the title is purchased?

    After the Minister has given us already indicated to the plagiarism allegations "slander" and move close to the offense I want it quite carefully formulated as follows: " AS ALWAYS THERE IS MONEY IN THE GAME! Who would have thought it? Here is a story in which more than just a bad Gschmäckle remains, it is about € 747,764.36.

    At the press conference at the University of Bayreuth, when it was announced that will examine the dissertation of KTG, was the Rector asked if there had been financially supported by KTG. This negated the rector and said Mr. Guttenberg was merely a member of the Alumni Club and that this contribution had been paid properly. You will not believe it, that's not even begin to the truth!

    The truth is his university conceded during the period of 7 years (1999-2006) more than € 700k. neeeiiiin course, not directly by KTG! Now here's an example for proper citation and a clean source ----->" Handelsblatt "
    Quote:" Guttenberg was studied from 1996 to 2002, the Supervisory Board of Rhön Klinikum AG, where he gave his family a stake in the CSU-politician of 1992. to 1999 in Bayreuth Law and received his doctorate there in 2007. Rhön Klinikum AG, in which was the family's holding company which Guttenberg involved their share ownership, was one of the founders of the Department of Medicine Management, the Legal and Economic Sciences is located. "
    course can not be substantiated it a connection with these payments and the thesis of Mr. Guttenberg is, but it is holding this queasy feeling in the stomach. Because certainly, the question remains as a doctoral student of the University indirectly a major promoter is treated! How do you deal with a dissertation about the shit though and copied, but just from a "Big Spender" is? Must draw its own conclusions containing each!

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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    German Garden Book Award 2011 - Best Garden guide

    On 2/18/2011 found the announcement of the prizes and the awarding of the German Book Prize held at Castle Garden Dennenlohe.

    The category of "Best Garden guide" won " The garden-seducer Mittelfranken " by Felicia Laue, Jochen Martz, Maria Theresia von Zerboni and Ursula Grebe.

    The "Garden Austria Travel Guide" by Elizabeth Plitzka and Karl Ploberger managed to second place before

    " gardens of Provence " by Gudrun Mangold.

    Other prizes here

    Monday, February 21, 2011

    Marinade For Deer Sirloin Roast

    Guttenberg, the plagiarist

    is how it slowly but surely me this ene hypocritical hypocritical debate on the mind. I seldom met such a mendacious argument and I've never been drawn, it is not seen clearly discernible consequences. My God, because this wimp absolutely no ass in the pants? How low can you go, how long can you lie to yourself and the public ??.....

    Yes, I admit it! In the beginning, when the news was all still fresh in, I enjoyed themselves immensely, laughed loudly and got the virtual popcorn out of the closet. A mixture of malice, ridicule and scorn. Of all our super-minister, our dynamic Mr. Clean, which some was almost at the chancellery imagined that caught his Summa cum Laude, the thesis, a bold Fake. Divine, it would not be the reality, no comedian could have come up with, the better. Pure satire, writing stories as only life. As can be learned as a screenwriter in Hollywood a lot.

    In reading his "work" I noticed that she somehow does not sound to a lawyer who writes about constitutional law. It reads more like the work of a historian of the already long in the business, and is now even trying to write a popular book. When reading the way, the stylistic differences are quite striking.

    Was it at the beginning or at some "passages" to some forgotten "references" to some "forgotten" footnotes turned out (especially thanks to the collaborative Internet community) quickly the whole thing is a bad plagiarism. Under no circumstances one should proceed from here a few small oversights, a "few" forgotten footnotes, but everything points to a conscious falsification. Here you can even see the main points --->

    I'm surprised it even excluding that of the Lord Ministers will have no knowledge of it, it is guaranteed the work of a ghost writer. Too bad he sue this little impostor can not. This argument before a court I would have liked ....

    are now 286 (ie 72.77%) points as plagiarism known. (As of 02/21/2011). Quite regardless of the necessary academic debate about the formalities of a dissertation and to the "pseudo-scientific value of this" work "that goes to me for something else. Everyone knows that a thesis without a second state examination of the record is not an academic but intended only as a stepping stone and door opener is. A blend tool can do for those who like to be dazzled by titles and offices, and those were in Germany has always been a whole lot of people.

    The man, whose website (link ) decorated by a giant portrait is on in large letters is "obliged responsibility," should themselves take on that. He has shown all over the country that he is only a small blender, one of which the "Leistunglos" want to succeed. Much better you can not prove his unfitness of character. No one would have judged his abilities differently if he had no doctorate fraudulently. Someone with such a character can never be an open, honest and transparent policy on behalf of and in Interest of his constituents (and the rest of the country) are. There is only a consequence of this: HE MUST RESIGN!

    Everything else would be to give anyone. The majority of the population keeps our politicians today lifted for unrealistic and elitist, as far is the arrogance towards the people go?

    have not given up yet, however, his "fans" their KTG. By all means, there are the usual smearing propaganda of pro-Guttenberg Group. They want large parts of the German press identified a majority of the population to remain Guttenberg's are in office. Hähh? What the guys at Emnid have paid the respondents? Or are the participants in the study had been drugged at all?, They are threatened by the intelligence? Hiermal a properly designated quotation from the Stuttgarter Zeitung : Show
    The first surveys that do not hold the majority of the citizens of the Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, a fraud. In an Emnid poll for the "Focus" is said only 27 percent for a resignation of the minister. 57 percent do not consider him a fraud, as a further Emnid survey for "Bild am Sonntag newspaper. 47 percent believe, however, that Guttenberg returns a doctorate - although it is unclear whether this is legally possible.
    a clear case of "parallel society". Such an obvious case of manipulation of opinion that a smooth roll with emotion a few little tears down the cheek like. My comment: Shabby!
    Who behind the Facebook site " PRO-Guttenberg " infection can be seen here in " Wikipedia " times. Since one can be bad.

    you read but the comments of readers on the pages of the newspaper come since then, things like this review of the reader "Skeptiker01"
    "E pluribus unum," From many, one "- that was the motto of the introduction of the thesis of Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg 2007th "A motto that is to be understood programmatically." And as the introduction, the (Mach) business. It is increasingly clear: The "summa cum laude" thesis of the C & P is a scientist KTvuzG Zitatenpampe without significant scientific own contribution collected by the parliamentary office of the Bundestag. Mr. Baron have "help" to allow for promotion. When the University of Bayreuth him his Dr. jur. but knows it is her anyway verdaddeln already tarnished reputation completely.
    It is time to go, und in Abwandlung eines Satzes auf Seite 6 der glorreichen "Arbeit" des Freiherrn zu Guttenberg sage ich Ihnen: "Verpassen sie nicht zum wiederholten Male den Kairos und lassen Sie die notwendige Unbedingtheit des Gestaltungswillen erkennen!!"

    Thursday, February 17, 2011

    Toy Story-cake Decorations

    but now and again: Weekend Tips for gardening enthusiasts

  • 17:02 .- 20.02. Giardina Fair 76th .. Karlsruhe

  • 18:02 .- 20.02. Garden Dreams fairgrounds 79108 Freiburg

  • 17:02 .- 19.02. Sneeuwklokjesfeest Snowdrop Festival - Sneeuwklokjesfeest gardening De Boschhoeve 6874 Wolfheze / Netherlands

  • 19:02 .- 20.02. Sneeuwklokjes dagen snowdrop days de Warande Laag Keppel, Netherlands

  • to 19.04. Far East Flower Magic - Camellia Flora 5th ... Cologne
  • Thursday, February 10, 2011

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    Freisinger Garden Days - is certain program

    Freisinger Garden Days 6.5.-08.05.2011 "The world comes to garden in Freising - Welcome to France"
    Every year, I am sorry, not the garden Freisinger days can be - always these great presentations ... To kick off

    Sylvie and Patrick Quibel show their charming Jardin Plume in Auzouville sur Ry northeast of Rouen in Normandy, on Saturday and Monique Thierry Dronet her garden Berchigranges in the Vosges. 2005 chose the AJJH, the Association of French garden journalists Berchigranges the garden of the year.
    On Sunday Thierry Huau to report one of the great landscape architects and town planners in France, about his work in the context of French garden design.
    Also on Saturday, Prof. Dr. Bernd Hertle, a professor at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan, entitled "Climbing Plants - creates one passion, the suffering?" information on all aspects of the practice in the use of climbing plants.
    And finally, on Sunday: Irmgard and Manfred Herian from the renowned specialty nursery in Unterliezheim show titled "Clematis - flowering abundance through the garden year," the variety of clematis species and provide valuable tips on planting and care more here