Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Christina Aguilera Old Perfume

CDU wants to abolish freedom of the press beat

The end of press freedom will soon come .............

from the direction of black money I'm used to a lot, but what comes now is to fascistic arrogance really not be beaten. Once, in fact, democracy has been abolished by relentless lobbying pigs, must now also believe the remains of our pseudo-democracy to it. (Source: " Saarbrücken Zeitung )
The Chairman of the Legal Committee of the Bundestag, Siegfried Kauder (CDU), the Saarbrücken newspaper said: "If the press reports about which sites are particularly vulnerable, that can also be an incentive for terrorists."
I won shit press freedom . Abolish immediately! Although the mainstream media just before the write what the owners of the publishers and the station liked this also seems to be too much ...........

For those who can, the term "press freedom" imagine anything more, here is a small excursion into the long past history of the Bunte Republic Täuschland (aka Schlaaand!). He saw time in the paragraph 5 of the Basic Law:
are conceivable legal rules or the introduction of a commitment by the media that will not report on certain knowledge. "We have to find sensitive solubility changes " said the CDU politician. n
Ge au ! Since time must return rapidly Erma chtigungsgesetz ago, best of all, bypassing the Bundestag s. Or how about tzes it not having a Federal zustimmun gspflichtigen suspension of basic Gese ? I'm sure will come up because of the CDU what appropriate.

enough Slowly it to me. I demand a monitoring of the CDU, and especially by Mr. Kauder. Who in the public such unconstitutional occurs, would have to be actually monitored by the intelligence services around the clock. Such People are in the file of the "potential" that the Lord would Bosbach (CDU) prefer temporarily locked up in storage.
Al-Qaida and associated groups are planning for knowledge of German security authorities allegedly an attack on the Reichstag building in Berlin where the German parliament is located. In the wake of the attack, the terrorists want to take hostages and serve with firearms carnage.
delighted with this message are the mirror ( link), and where the belong also getting their information, should probably be our "highly professional" security services to start thinking about the reliability their staff do. The word secrecy so there seems to be a foreign word, or are so underpaid that they have to sell the info to increase not apply, Hartz 4 have?

As our politicians hoof it through the talk shows of the GEZ-television and call the "population" for calm and prudence, and advise not to decay into the same hysteria that they disseminate. A small example?? Here you go .... :
20 men with a nuclear bomb are an army.
So we warn Aussenministersimulant Guido sister wave of terrorists in the possession of nuclear weapons could get! (The world ) Yes, nee - is clear! I laugh my limp! Such a bomblets is really very fast in my garage cobbled together?! Hilarious .........
Group Executive Board Member (SPD) Sebastian Edathy is exactly like the "Handelsblatt " the question: "What's next: Armoured present stations?"

The terrorist hysteria that diverts so beautiful from the important issues, drives already strange flowers. Since regional trains are diverted, empty bags and suitcases and shot the Population is asked to informers. Absolutely no wonder that the totlacht half the Internet.

about the style flowers, sometimes more or less seriously meant, also reports the Handelsblatt , and refers, for example, on sites like:

pretty cool are the various Twitter feeds. Some really hilarious. The German population can not piss out of their own government and bring fear and terror.

However, if supported by the intelligence "Sauerland" bombers, and even ordered (and then arrested) are not sufficient Youtube preachers of hate, then of course also increases the risk of a fake "false flag" terrorist attack. If this works with the Americans, why not us? If the people no longer believe in fairy tales terrorists, as it should be further restrictions of freedom by accepting more government control? Since then helps only a little real blood! Among the more than "random" coincidences also a great article by " .
Where it really in the core does it should also be clear to the greatest simpleton in this country. (Source: "is converted N-TV/Sicherheit ) Marvel not soon, when the intelligence of the country are consolidated and enlarged its powers are expanded, the army on the next demo in Stuttgart Gorleben or anywhere else shows up and you niederknüppelt . Of course, this includes a total distances monitoring of telephone and Internet. Where would we go there even if everyone could just as freely express his opinion. (Greetings from the 3rd Reich) so you could have a different opinion than the representatives of the dictatorship of capital !
thinks, because remember:

You are a terrorist!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hollywood Bowl Middlebrook

The Bullshit Detector

Ladies and Gentleman, a drum roll and fanfare please ... or the German Comedy Award in the category of politics!

There's something missing completely in the culture scene. Therefore, today a Comedy Award for politics is offered. Whenever politicians or personalities of the public life, something totally stupid, moron, obviously give of themselves, or once again conspicuous by absolute denial of reality to be, then he strikes! Ladies and Gentleman ... ... THE BULLSHIT DETECTOR! The universal device to discover the wonderful world of imbecility! According to the measured dementia, expressed in Fäkalhertz, there is a classification into grades. Who at the end of the year, the highest grade point average, receiving e-mail the Order as a comedy-politician of the year. After all, who the people so delicious, maintains laugh and wonder conjures, of course, must be rewarded. Very bitter ... ... ...

make a start again, the cronies of the CDU. (Source: "The Mirror") In ihrenm perennial efforts to lower the level into the abyss of shame and tear down all boundaries of time makes Uelzener District Theodore Elster talked about. He finds children working fine! Here's a quote:

"child labor make products cheaper, and that was indeed the" ultimate competitive advantage "

Yes, yes - the finger at the" pöhsen "Chinese show, but even shit on human rights. Super ... ..

Conclusion: At least 1000 Fäkalhertz and therefore this nonsense with a slight touch as smooth menschenverachtendem rated satisfactory, so a smooth 3!

However, I am sure the CDU is already working internally on new bullshit ... ... ... ... We are excited!


a sensation of the whole specific variety from the wonderful world of feeble-mindedness comes this time from the friends of the black humor - the boys from the island to the bad weather and bad taste, the British. It's just always been a very strange little people.

to fight food-borne diseases such as obesity and diabetes, will replace the British government (in which case the Ministry of Health) for an action plan. So that it is certainly a huge blast, they have now brought on board to experts. I quote once the "Guardian":

The Department of Health is putting the fast food companies McDonald's and KFC and processed food and drink manufacturers seeking as PepsiCo, Kellogg's, Unilever, Mars and Diageo at the heart of writing government policy on obesity, alcohol and diet-related disease.

Yes, the guys I'd even asked! Also are known to be recognized experts when it can to healthy eating. This is something the people can sell, the whole shebang! I laugh my flabby ... ....

Nevertheless, on the Fäkalskala of idiocy is not a too high value. Say, to be fair, a value of perhaps 250, and thus a 4th Always nice to keep practicing!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Chesty Cough With Sob

French in German in Stuttgart Gorleben

disseminated over the Internet since yesterday, a message which once again clearly shown how this is happening to democracy in Germany. I won it at last as far as the foreign "bull" may at German demonstrators (soon to be "insurgents") bashing ... ... ... ... ..

yesterday appeared on the Internet ( Flicker ) images show clearly to which the bull is a French special forces (CRS) involved in the beatings of the anti-Castor. (Source: N-TV ). Great! Super, where it has come. Goodbye Constitution! Of course, claims the federal police would obviously be the only "observer "?!?? Ha, ha, ha, I laugh at me slack! Observers with baton!
And what is that bad for a company that you can read here. ( )

"Apparently illegal", it is called the deputy of the Green Christian Ströbele. Since I can only laugh, because that would be by far the most benign formulation that come to mind to would. I believe in such "actions" by words such as "betrayal" of our democracy, the rule of law mission and the absolute disregard of the will of the people. Politicians a policy like the current plan to include, and represent shot!

Well the main thing is that our top-secret police minister de Maiziere at the whipping bull has publicly thanked for their "prudent" and "consistent" work! Muaaah, simply delicious!

The chance that the armed forces there over the Wendland Flight maneuvers, intended only a "coincidence". What does one expect in a country by the Home Secretary in a special session of the Bundestag shall give of himself:
"A political opposition and protesters have no right to call for a democratic decision for civil disobedience. The road has no more legitimacy than Parliament and the law. "
All a result of the Treaty of Lisbon. Further and further towards a fascist dictatorship on behalf of the super rich "elite". As overdue resistance it is the "Neue Rheinische Zeitung" in her article " Merkel on the sidelines. "
The result of the partially brutal police operation by truncheons and pepper spray: 1,000 protesters were injured, 950 eye injuries, 16 fractures, 29 head lacerations and three concussions.
Castor transports are one way or the latest nonsense. As nuclear waste disposed of properly can you look at the here times. The ECN (Energy Works North) conduct of the interim storage of radioactive waste in the Lubmin simply Greifswald Bodden. But only a little bit, just 684.00Kubikmeter ... ... ...?? Per hour! Wtf! Häääh? Attempts to wash your car once you on the roadside. Here come the "Nazis" from the clerk's office and it is hefty fines.

As the story gets from the "free alternative" bridge technology that we need to build the renewable energy, but a few ugly spots. And as far as the economics of the much-touted nuclear power, well, what have been € 203.7 billion in funding? Almost nothing! These are the results a study of the Forum "Ecological-social market economy" in a report for "Grüünpiss. (Source: " WDR) Almost as cool as the to explain idea, nuclear waste into a recyclable raw material, then send him to Russia beyond the Urals.

Well at least there was some good news yesterday. The bastard of paramedics, who had nothing better to do than bashing with his backpack on demonstrators, was suspended. ( video the ZDF media library) I hope he has to answer before a court in front of his peers. Where would we be if the "medics" who are committed to neutrality participate in the beating? How about time with the care of the wounded? But probably nothing will happen, except that his next rule carriage delayed by one year. Just still sucks big time!

return for the billions blessing of subsidies and the additional profits from the life extension will be at RWE kicked out again a few people, but not many ... .- only 2000th But they will be disposed in semi-retirement, and these costs so the general public! (Source: )

Reaction from Berlin, as always only one big puppet show. Unworthy shabby and highly dangerous to the continued existence of this pseudo-democracy. The question is how long the people can not like this policy. A shameful event which was nothing more than a distraction placebo for demented people. We laugh and joke together and making a revolt on, but behind the scenes like you are always in agreement. (Source: "Star" with the article: "The Bundestag schottert themselves )

Perhaps we should do a lot more resistance, not wave flags and sing funny songs Lampingongs kindle . I'm thinking more like in actions such as this -> " Handelsblatt".

Unfortunately, there seems to be as well, which can be achieved by other means in this country does not change everything.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Average Price For Day Care 2010 Miami

anticipation of the spring - planting on the Keukenhof

Press Release:
On 14 October planted His Excellency the German Ambassador to the Netherlands, Dr. Heinz-Peter Behr, the first of many thousands of bulbs for a very special flower mosaic on the Keukenhof in Lisse, Netherlands. The mosaic, which consists of almost 100,000 bulbs is 23 x 13 feet tall and shows the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. In the spring of 2011, it will bloom in all colors. more (with photo)