Ladies and Gentleman, a drum roll and fanfare please ... or the German Comedy Award in the category of politics!
There's something missing completely in the culture scene. Therefore, today a Comedy Award for politics is offered. Whenever politicians or personalities of the public life, something totally stupid, moron, obviously give of themselves, or once again conspicuous by absolute denial of reality to be, then he strikes! Ladies and Gentleman ... ... THE BULLSHIT DETECTOR! The universal device to discover the wonderful world of imbecility! According to the measured dementia, expressed in Fäkalhertz, there is a classification into grades. Who at the end of the year, the highest grade point average, receiving e-mail the Order as a comedy-politician of the year. After all, who the people so delicious, maintains laugh and wonder conjures, of course, must be rewarded. Very bitter ... ... ...

"child labor make products cheaper, and that was indeed the" ultimate competitive advantage "
Yes, yes - the finger at the" pöhsen "Chinese show, but even shit on human rights. Super ... ..
However, I am sure the CDU is already working internally on new bullshit ... ... ... ... We are excited!

to fight food-borne diseases such as obesity and diabetes, will replace the British government (in which case the Ministry of Health) for an action plan. So that it is certainly a huge blast, they have now brought on board to experts. I quote once the "Guardian":
The Department of Health is putting the fast food companies McDonald's and KFC and processed food and drink manufacturers seeking as PepsiCo, Kellogg's, Unilever, Mars and Diageo at the heart of writing government policy on obesity, alcohol and diet-related disease.
Yes, the guys I'd even asked! Also are known to be recognized experts when it can to healthy eating. This is something the people can sell, the whole shebang! I laugh my flabby ... ....
Nevertheless, on the Fäkalskala of idiocy is not a too high value. Say, to be fair, a value of perhaps 250, and thus a 4th Always nice to keep practicing!
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