The end of press freedom will soon come .............
from the direction of black money I'm used to a lot, but what comes now is to fascistic arrogance really not be beaten. Once, in fact, democracy has been abolished by relentless lobbying pigs, must now also believe the remains of our pseudo-democracy to it. (Source: " Saarbrücken Zeitung )
The Chairman of the Legal Committee of the Bundestag, Siegfried Kauder (CDU), the Saarbrücken newspaper said: "If the press reports about which sites are particularly vulnerable, that can also be an incentive for terrorists."
For those who can, the term "press freedom" imagine anything more, here is a small excursion into the long past history of the Bunte Republic Täuschland (aka Schlaaand!). He saw time in the paragraph 5 of the Basic Law:
are conceivable legal rules or the introduction of a commitment by the media that will not report on certain knowledge. "We have to find sensitive solubility changes " said the CDU politician. n
Ge au ! Since time must return rapidly Erma
chtigungsgesetz ago, best of all, bypassing the Bundestag s. Or how about tzes it not having a Federal zustimmun gspflichtigen suspension of basic Gese ? I'm sure will come up because of the CDU what appropriate.
enough Slowly it to me. I demand a monitoring of the CDU, and especially by Mr. Kauder. Who in the public such unconstitutional occurs, would have to be actually monitored by the intelligence services around the clock. Such People are in the file of the "potential" that the Lord would Bosbach (CDU) prefer temporarily locked up in storage.
Al-Qaida and associated groups are planning for knowledge of German security authorities allegedly an attack on the Reichstag building in Berlin where the German parliament is located. In the wake of the attack, the terrorists want to take hostages and serve with firearms carnage.
As our politicians hoof it through the talk shows of the GEZ-television and call the "population" for calm and prudence, and advise not to decay into the same hysteria that they disseminate. A small example?? Here you go .... :
20 men with a nuclear bomb are an army.
Group Executive Board Member (SPD) Sebastian Edathy is exactly like the "Handelsblatt " the question: "What's next: Armoured present stations?"
The terrorist hysteria that diverts so beautiful from the important issues, drives already strange flowers. Since regional trains are diverted, empty bags and suitcases and shot the Population is asked to informers. Absolutely no wonder that the totlacht half the Internet.
about the style flowers, sometimes more or less seriously meant, also reports the Handelsblatt , and refers, for example, on sites like:
pretty cool are the various Twitter feeds. Some really hilarious. The German population can not piss out of their own government and bring fear and terror.
thinks, because remember:
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