It is the favorite theme of all master tables, the innocuous nature of the small talk and awkward pauses helps to bridge. The weather! Even Mark Twain said. "All talk about the weather but nobody does anything about it really does not answer this question I will investigate today .............. times?
Is it too hot to moan about the heat, it rains too much calls it "shit weather, tile man speak free at last!" But it does not help, because Peter is adamant and leaves not be influenced in his work. I know of course the weather is not synonymous with air, but the strange vagaries of the weather of the last 10 years alone with a rather obscure climate change alone will explain to me is a little too thin as an explanation. Apart from the fact that for me are the extensive causes of the non-repudiation climate change is far from clear. Just because at one time in 2007 the Chancellor to "Climate Chancellor 'mutant (had fought for 30 years, the Green Party) politicians at once unanimously discovered climate change and now the" guilty "presented (CO2?) and it relied on science as an explanation is simply not enough and affects me quite helpless. Politicians like to stop playing the "strong man". They believe if people advocate an immediate solution, people would they consider capable, competent people. What a joke ....
country under the Oder and Neisse! Again, lucky! Half Russia together with the harvest, burn and Pakistan, the Taliban, which could not turn off with the much-heralded summer offensive, simply washed away by floods. What a coincidence ..... Of course, also be the random whims of nature, no one can yet prove the contrary. A huge increase in major storms, floods, droughts and earthquakes, especially the stronger 5.0, and all because of a gas that has a share of 0.038% of the atmosphere. What and how much is due to the increasing proportion of CO2 will probably remain a secret for a long time. But since it is a fact of me just does not want out of your head, the fact the government and military since the forties of the 20th Century, intensive research techniques to make a manipulation of the weather and climate possible. wikpedia can sometimes take as Eistieg around times to get an idea of the weather manipulations of the military. Here's a video so you know what I mean ......
The descriptions of the effects of such disasters read horrible (NZZ and N-TV ), deaths, injuries and people who like their home lost and now have probably for a very long time remain homeless. How to be dealt with homeless refugees after the tsunami in Southeast Asia, because we remember this day with dread. (Not already really bad, so help!)
The question is all just coincidences?, Or who does the weather really? Are there really "secret Weather Makers"? Local weather modification (zBsp. The Abregnenlassen by "vaccination" of the clouds with silver iodide) is now everyday life in many countries. Even the "Süddeutsche " was raised this question "Who makes the weather?" and which are now not really known as a "conspiracy spinners. One of my experience is all what people can do it at some point, away from any moral scruples. A property of the people whereby especially the military always excels and demonstrates the morals, ethics and humanism that is for wimps. Quote from the "Sueddeutsche Zeitung":
Why a warning if all of this was merely Speculation and conspiracy theories are. Are the boys of the EU Parliament VT 'learning? As far as intelligence is that not really be trusted! Logically, that are missing from these speculations, the Pakistanis can not ( PakistaniIdelody ). Although there is recently in vogue, the Americans for everything and anything to take responsibility, but so very far-fetched, this is not so when you look at the history of the last 100 years looks at times ... The Pakistanis suspect that the sudden flood research project known as "HAARP". The reason for the massive rainfall and thus seems to flooding in a very massive anomaly of the jet stream to lie, like the "time fesstellt. Yes, and as luck would have it so precisely is the one of the properties of HAARP , it deliberately disrupts the upper ionosphere and thereby causing a change in the jet stream is. But certainly all just coincidence!
As you can see on the image you can get the weather events of the last time, all related in one. The flood in eastern Germany and Poland, the drought and fires in Russia, the flood in Pakistan and the rain and mudslides in China, all the result of the same "natural" phenomenon. Wers believes ......
This system HAARP, there is a plethora of patent applications, but their function is not inspected in the USA, a mention of them, among other things, the possibility of weather manipulation. But only something works does not mean a long time the Americans would also make the. Finally, they are their specific responsibilities have always been aware of. Here again a beautiful example about responsible use of the weather sensitive system from the Vietnam War. What potential systems such as HAARP and others, this is also information on Alaskainfo . Tip: nachguugeln The patents indicated there once! About the possible impact of "chemtrails" that are guaranteed to see in a context that requires some of the suspected mode of action of the chemicals used. Who wants to read again a few details about the history of the weather miltärische War, which I can recommend this article by Omega-News . (Unfortunately, in English)
What do I like this because now demonstrate ?........ Nothing, absolutely nothing! But this little voice inside, this strange feeling and the experience that stands behind most of obscenities and an evil intent. And if not this time it's true, then it is true the next time and this is not a particularly strong form of "cognitive dissonance" but common sense. So, EYES OPEN!
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