gradually so I can not hear it, this empty talk and then talk about the boom and the ever decreasing number the unemployed. 22% of all workers to work as cheap labor, and although 73% of them qualified vocational training have studied it rather new aliens! The crisis is over, by order from Berlin, and so it says again: "Forgot forward, and always beautiful!"
Who remembers up today a crisis? Forget the hundreds of billions to save the oh-so systemically important banks. But this ungrateful people will not recognize the power of the Black-Yellow "Bee Movie" coalition simple. Insolent, ungrateful these people are, it has such a super government does not really deserve. According to a survey by the star remarkable 82% of the people has not won the Chancellor the "boom" like a lioness fighting for their young.
often than the average, this explains the well-earning a monthly net household income of 3000 € and upwards (24 percent of them). Where the 1000 € or less month at their disposal, only 9 percent thought they would benefit from the upturn.
This quotation from the already mentioned "Star" article suggests but then out of the barrel to the floor. It must be as well to a particularly insidious kind of humor I do not understand the act so real. And yet the policy of rejoicing, even the most pointless press conference, the assembled Journaille before the unemployment figures would go down constantly and Germany have been found in times of crisis to be very robust. This, the chancellor was a "success of the work of the coalition! Should we let melt in your mouth. The number of unemployed had fallen to 3.1533 million that is. But if one specific hinguckt remains, as always, nothing but "hot air". The truth is different and is more than painful and embarrassing for our country!
Looking at the figures from the Federal Employment Agency ( Here ) at times, then gives a picture of the pony from the world of Angela Merkel, but differs quite crass. Learn in the comic which the "so-called" journalist never, for sooo long, the monthly report is now not really ...............
3.1533 million unemployed1.57906 million people in action= 4.73236 million people
recipients(BA Report, p. 53):unemployment benefit: 914 843ALG II: 4998061social benefit: 1842895
Total 7,755,799 people so that government are supported. These alarming numbers, we must not forget one, the number of people who can not control in these statistics. The deportees, the forgotten and unwanted in this system simply no longer have. short-time workers, ABM, employment grant professional continuing education, Rehabilitation measures aptitude and training measures, measures to activate and professional integration, similar early retirement schemes, people in funded retirement, promote independence through the establishment grant, ; persons who are unable to work and unemployment benefit, these are the people we all have been deported mind long ago.
But who today is one of the lucky ones which are still in progress, is not among the people where the upswing "appreciable" noticeable. Quite the contrary, the number of temporary workers has risen to 35%. A "peak" measure to ensure social peace in Germany. Who wants to know how anti-social times the supposedly fair-saving measures for so, here are a table (Table savings / And this is not a "Neidiskussion!) The" Sozialticker "brings to a statement of the" left " but apart from a rather vague and imprecise claim against wage dumping is also just not expect anything from this corner. As it should such a crisis after all, the one very strong "leftward shift" brings with it, but nothing. The "people" watching TV ......
But why there are no general strike, and as in Greece, why no massive protests in France? The unions are only a toothless tiger, willing slaves and "agents" of the industry and capital. Everything, absolutely everything you have after the war set out to get as large a la industrial unions IG Metall. The experience of the Weimar period, with many powerful labor movement wanted to save a halt. (See also: FRG dizziness ) We are now the cheap labor of Europe, quasi German Chinese, since 22% of workers have jobs in the "so-called" low-wage jobs. You go to work full time and have but at the end of the month so little merit that they have to beg the "official" to Auftockung or have to start the transition to housing benefit office. Just by switching to "discretionary benefits" as part of the austerity package like this shit government over € 2 billion over the next 4 years with Hartz IV recipients save. But it is still quiet on Germany's roads, ........., yet because we have not forgotten:
The basis of democracy is the sovereignty of the people and not the jurisdiction of a magisterial state.non obedience of citizens at the ratio of the government but the government is the citizen under the laws responsible for their actions.The citizen has the right and duty to call the government to order if he believes they violated democratic rights!
Dr. Gustav Heinemann, President 1969-74It is simply not true, that is what creates social work. The core element of "freedom" is social justice. Being thankful and keep your face, just because you have the "luck" had a damn 400 € to get job that is not social! It is deeply anti-social, perverse and ruthless, devoid of morality and decency! Here is a quote from the " News Spiegel Online " in which the psychological consequences of Hartz IV are illuminated again:
It is, above all, the reactions of these anti-social politicians a la Westerwelle, like this in an article in the time "hasIt's Hartz-IV-dependent in the sense very well compared with victims ... real atrocities - and seen only material. Starvation, they are far away and their physical destruction is operated only gently. Mentally seen ... it looks already different.Look at you, how they must live, what they have to endure humiliation and psychological terror which they by some unscrupulous Media and cruel people are exposed, I would see here the Word of cruelty to be appropriate, even though their physical care to the supply in famine areas is not comparable.
Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle out against a significant increase in the standard rates for Long-term unemployed pronounced. For it must not diminish the gap between wages and auxiliary power. People who are required to have more income, as recipients of state Services, called the FDP leader in Berlin. "Must work, personally, really worthwhile," said Westerwelle.
I translated the whole thing in real time now, a German. This is not aware of the German low-wage slave he is underpaid, absolutely, and for more than 20 years can steal the wages (through wage cuts and moderate wage settlements), the money is flowing into the pockets of the entrepreneurs may Hartz will not increase IV! After all work has to be worth it. According to the policy of human concerns also a kind of self-fulfillment from his job, and he was still shitty Sun Such a dehumanizing view is even one from the party of high earners an absolute cheek. Our Vice-Chancellor, and with him the entire government, which promised us all, to win the Jeniger responsibility for having caused the crisis are just what they always were: the lackey of the banks and industry. Even the smallest of the banks attempts to impose restrictions on their greed sabotaged by Berlin. We are the only European country that has voted against the new Basel capital framework for banks. (Source: Sozialticker ) That this "strict" new rules are a joke anyway just for the banks is there already not even worth mentioning.
But how incapable and unwilling, above all, the politicians, the consequences of the crisis, eliminate and prevent new crises, which also shows this review of the G-20 summit. ( Socialist Alternative) These gentlemen (and ladies!) Laugh at us, and face. Nothing, absolutely nothing will change. The same big wheel is turning now much faster than before the crisis. The consequences will be huge if, at the end of this pyramid scheme collapses.
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