To fill the summer slump is our Federal German mainstream press again for a very original, yet unprecedented, incident came. As the editors of the press sat in their system, now no longer smoke-filled, Editorial offices and fought with desperation hair. Then came the idea: "Hey guys, how about a headline to incite the people against Hartz IV recipients?" No sooner said than done! And so the little brain journalists would not be overworked because they simply decided to write off each other ........
First off the headline "The World", as always on the liberal side, with the title " 50 billion tax money for Hartz IV recipients . The "Berliner Morgenpost" countered: " 50 billion tax dollars for Hartz IV recipients "and always with originality and individualism effort, the" Focus "with the headline:" costs. Hartz IV spiking 50 billion euros "
much commonality lies (but also the word "public" in it) in bad journalism, however, is now quite commonly found. What this article is suggesting with his headers but the Hartz IV recipients spiking us now, or cost in the future, the mentioned 50 billion €. But it is is (people who engage a normal work) here at the cost of stocking up, since the introduction Hartz IV in 2005. For these titles are provoked into a boulevard style hatred of poor people and conduct the debate about the future of the welfare state into a fanned, incitement to envy and emotional debate. A shabby expression of contempt for the hacks of the "high earner" for much of the population. How many people are affected by this unworthy fate you can still read again at me!
To meet demand wage indemnity rule, employers failed to raise the standard rates, but may prefer a reduction or an obligation to work for beneficiaries. No one is able to give the unemployed a job, not even enough jobs or the € 400 € 1 acclaimed job offers, but an obligation to work! How? As an unpaid slave? Instead of a minimum wage of at least 10 € per hour rather a cross-subsidy for wealthy entrepreneurs to tax costs, which has for me the taste of state slavery. For the "holy cow" of the country, the celebrated "Export World Cup," we were made of the neo-liberal masters of the SPD / Greens / CDU / CSU / FDP fraction of the "Chinese" in Europe. The question should read it: "Who is the real beneficiary here?". The worker who the whole month of toil full-time and at the end is not enough to survive has, or the entrepreneur who toil at low wages can Leite order to buy even the third Porsche and the second villa. What anti-social behavior for a!
Un think that you ever see how people over here I present just a few comments from the "world" readers on this blog, back before the close of the comment section without comment ...... ............
voodoo says:
The entrepreneurs in Germany are quite a wrecked squad. They only make it more then to keep their businesses afloat when they pay starvation wages.
Few still thinks about what to do new things.
you convince ourselves that we are so good because of exports. actually there are low wages. Most
believe them because you love to be proud of.
Hartz4erin says:
So my old boss had sacked 2006, the two sellers before me because they did not agree with previously held 6.50 gross hourly wage of 5.50 (!). But he took me and another new one. For me, he was referring also a grant from Argentina. When the payment facility at 1 year, he sent me ...
Plutokratiekritiker says: Is
but could not care less if the 11 billion issued in the form of H4 increase or
ALG " be. This money goes back to before the economic cycle. More consumption generates jobs not less purchasing power. Now increasingly consumed abroad. You can see that result. Let's not kidding you. On balance, it all depends on the interest burden that could not be moved abroad. Everything else is just window dressing. BGE and high-backed must be introduced, otherwise the next crisis is inevitable.
proDM says: If
been "subvensionen" that the gifts to the banks, too?
120 billion to the HRE
78 billion to the West LB
Oh yes, everything Peanut
Sabine Reif says:
Is this a joke? Or just the usual opinion mongering?
Not the spiking be subsidized, but the companies that pay their employees such pitiful pittance that it is not enough time for basic survival.
How was that even with the PIN Group, where the exploited workers on the orders of superiors for (still) LOWER (sic) demonstrated wages? Naaa?
The Springer is still, like the deficit WORLD.
ultimately subsidizes the taxpayers so the increase of low-postman WORLD narrow-minded editors and multi-billions of Mrs. Ellen Springer.
This is an outrage. Not only to the taxpayer but especially towards those companies that pay their employees a decent salary.
Bert says Part 1:
Bert Part 1
read correctly it must:
50 billion tax dollars for stocking up since the establishment of Hartz IV
I have enjoyed no journalistic training, but such a small exercise dominated anyone to three can count.
to content:
at the numbers is clear who stands for the policy. The "Civil" are willing to spend EUR 50 billion tax dollars that their employers are genuine obligation of the payment of wages (for work performed) can refuse.
They interpret the social market economy. They subsidize with 50 billion euros, the refusal of the AG to pay wages.
If we add still add the money (certainly billion) for short-time working, we can see the willingness of black and yellow to give it to employers, where it can be.
I have a proposal for the issue of increasing would say:
----- General Strike out all workers and employees on the streets.
one day show what is still possible without Labour. Poor pay, poor working conditions have become common practices everywhere.
Why are we in Germany do not even have a COMMUNITY!
Let us try it once
AntonW says:
money has always been enough there!
The problem?
has only 1.5 percent of the world population has more than 90% of the world's available capital, so has this at your leisure.
The rest have less than 10% equity interest in the masses, that is over 90% of the world's population! So we all! to share.
An imbalance that cries to heaven.
people will, finally awake!
this problem to be solved at last!
The whole blah, blah, blah, shouting and the famous finger-pointing actually help anyone.
The rich laugh about us and we are all dead, so the stupid.
you see it worked wiedermal. The day is still young and the world, which now has 398 comments already (which I'd also love to!), Has once again aufeinandergehetzt people. This is the long-standing principle of "external enemies", always distracted and put the blame on someone else. Not even an approach to criticism of the conditions of this unjust and even inhumane, created system with all its social problems, no approach to solving a societal problem, no finger-pointing, fake numbers and spread of lobbyists arguments. In place of the leaders and rulers of this country, I would wait with a solution not be too long. Not that the road, despite all the surveillance measures and police dictatorship infrastructure, once again takes the problem into their own hands. Certainly this would lead to results that would bring no end something.
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