Queen Merkel and the financial dwarf Wolfgang
tired completely, totally overwhelmed by the countless News from TV, radio, internet yesterday I was sitting in my chair, put the brow and pondered the question for now whether I should be worried. If the Euro crisis in Ireland, Greece and elsewhere really my problem? While I tried my thinking apparatus with a little whiskey on the operating temperature necessary to bring the eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and at some point I must have dozed off then good. What followed was a rather nasty and exotic dream. I was dreaming but actually by the Queen of our country ... ... .. Angela I. the
All these many questions haunted by my dream and I was in that dream into a small, cozy dockside bar in which unemployed German sailors, traveling people, Hartz 4 bottle collectors, prostitutes, pimps and other dregs of humanity afternoon drink and depression experience exchange met. Next to me at the bar sat a drunken bride, the one that saw its best days were already long behind her, and said: "? Well, my boy,-the first time here," I asked her who she was and what they are because here was all alone and she said, "Ick working black uff'm hype as Fortune Teller, ick can you 'read de manual, Small and ick hab' ne of the crystal ball shows me the truth. W want to know "I said to her:"? I'd like to know whether the € crisis will make me a poor man, and how could this happen to all "She leaned back and said:" Okay, kid, you pay the liquor and ick kiek in my glass, sorry crystal ball and tell you the truth "... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... and she began to tell ... ... ....
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The truth and nothing but the truth so help me God!
In the great throne room, which was completely covered in marble and was provided with all kinds of golden ornaments, jumped the huge door (from illegally protected lagenem tropical timber) and the top General, The famous general of and Gutti, came in and announced : "The top government liars and propaganda clown, with a message to Your Excellency!" With a lot of gel in your hair and the usual professional cheesy smile entered the propaganda chief Steffen Seibert the hall, made the obligatory genuflection and said, "Oh Sir, I bring bad news. The King of Ireland, Brian Cowen this old fool, foolishly given a guarantee for its bankers. But they are now bankrupt!! What are we to say to the electorate?, What lies I will dish out to them?
The queen looked graciously on their favorite little suck-down and say, "to well, report it to me from the whole truth and let yes nothing, else let me forge up to the galley and banish me up into the . Hell realm of the opposition continued "In that moment, also entered the half brother of Gollum, financial dwarf Wolfgang, the hall and shared their false statements began for the Queen:
financial dwarf Wolfgang began to lament, "Oh dear, oh dear, our European wholesale banks and also we unworthy politicians have again speculated on purpose, this time in Ireland." queen Angela looked at him sternly and asked, "Did I not expressly prohibited, Financial servant? "No, quite the contrary, said the financial wizard and propaganda chief nodded approvingly and said, "we do have the financial sharks never put obstacles in the way"
Angela made a sorrowful face and played the Indignant, she had to rescue the Greeks already cost enough. (. Of course not, they, more, however, their subjects, but the slaves of the state were so stupid that they not paying attention, really.) She asked, "How much we owe for those damn Irish moonshiners, so I mean how much must be because our subjects for the achievers of Schlaand ? pay "
So bent his head to money-Wolfgang site and presented the brand new fake figures how much money the citizens of the international Finanzmakaken showed gamers for their Irish shops and small capers owed ... ... ... ....
All were amazed and rubbing their eyes in amazement. How was it possible that you yourself against each other so much money owed, and what had actually taken the completely idiotic king Cowen Irish government to make sure the money its citizens a guarantee? But in the end was also King Cowen one of them and served as the kings of the Western world to the new god Mammon, for the time was now no sacrifice too great. After all, the willingness of all the assets of the citizens for the great sacrifice to God was the supreme tenet of the new, completely made-up religion of "free market economy."
Well, thank God were indeed at least the Irish government bonds of HRE after the Super broke into a bad bank was shifted. Nevertheless, the problem was of course immense. In total, this amounted namely the national debt, consumers and the Irish economy in mid-2010 to 731.2 billion U.S. dollars. The lion's share of more than two thirds of it owed the Irishman European banks. Largest creditors were the British financial institutions that sat on claims in the amount of 148.5 billion U.S. dollars. The second largest creditor, however, were already Teutonic banks, the Irishman currently 138.6 billion U.S. dollars were borrowed. Belgium and France were once again on a larger scale business, but their risk was significantly lower due to significantly less than the outstanding German institutes.
of Angela I. However, the alternatives of a rescue by German tax money, of course, immediately fell into the eye, (they had already collected a lot of experience with such a "charming" ideas!) asked her: "I understand all this and not have it, too never understood how could anything in the world because the happen??
The Story of the propaganda chief Seibert and the large public debt managers now Schäuble presented the Queen was the same nonsense that was so recently come across on the world in fashion. Always the same neo-liberal Wahnsin of the privatized profits and socialized the losses. Plundering of whole countries through privatization and the absolute lack of control the inflated speculative capital once served a small, super-rich elite, the best a small fraction of the population. The "foreign Investroren" have exploited Ireland and myself Giant "profits" made, which really belong to the Irish State.
began a game of money-Wolfgang to babble with irrem view, he erzälte something of an economic zone with an extremely low corporate tax rate of 12.5%, the one containing used therefore, had the domestic economy is also sufficient depreciation allowances and a new "playgrounds" for the had financial Monopoly available. Schliesslich wanted the rich increase their money even without having to work for it as silly people.
first saw indeed everything out just fine, got the "profits", they called Ireland, even the "Celtic Tiger". The people were happy because it, too, wages rose, while not as strong as the inflation, but the feeling was because it would henceforth only uphill.
Man was pleased with modest prosperity after decades, the poor man of Europe had been. The Irishman, who became accustomed to steadily rising incomes, saw little risk in accordance with a further debt. This was all the more so because the real interest rates were due to the high inflation rates relatively low. In view of rising nominal income to operate the debt service was relatively easy. Many wages were also still below the corresponding productivity, which is why many people expecting even more so with wage increases. All this ensured that the citizens of recordings increasingly borrow to buy houses and apartments.
but then began to drop the prices, because in the meantime had also the largest Depp understood that the whole thing was nothing but hot air. A huge speculative bubble, the winners for the most part in other European countries were not in Ireland. The banks said the government they are now in trouble and they urgently need to continue to guarantee statements to the market to get loans. Schliessleich one is yes sytemisyh "important, and when they went to the dogs would also be the country in the ass ... ... ... ... and the government gave this statement and it came as it had, everything went down the drain! (As always )
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part 2 - in the Queen Angela Merkel, I again reassured the financial community and ensure that the infinite Bailoutspiel provides for the benefit of greater financial jugglers goes on forever ... ... ... ....
Despite all the problems, first of all, went the three great in the dining room and took a sumptuous meal at, the chef had made sure that no passage of the menu's was cheaper than the Hartz 4 ruleset. The pseudo-economy minister, had donated from his private stock a couple of dust-dry bottles of the finest Bordeaux So back went the once the hilarity in the round. While Now the queen, the Treasurer and the jester sat there munching and sipping at the table, they began to consider what to do for now, and especially how to sell to the electorate trefffenden measures ... ... ....
is important to get it before all the remains of the low tax rate, says the treasurer. The Seibert asked, "? But since then the game will not start again from scratch and not aggravate the problem worse" "But, but, - tsss, tsss, tsss replied" the Queen, and sent a pitying look at their propaganda Hansel. "Exactly, that's the point!"
So Queen Merkel said: "We make it as always! What have we got in May, the euro rescue stretched? We treat as always, the no-bailout clause and refer to an emergency situation. Then we give up to 90 billion in loan guarantees, and the IMF and the ECB shall ensure that the benefits are reduced brutalstmöglich. Somehow, after all the shit come back coal! "
Yes exactly, roared the now slightly open Schäuble: "Why should only our proletarians to tighten their belts? Why are the Irish workers actually earn so much? Can not get out to enslave down to our level? How is the economy going to do decent profits? The whole table burst out laughing here at the launch rush back a few million people into the social misery.
Although the ECB had bought in the last 3 months now for € 40 billion Irish junk bonds, but now it must be even again 80-90 billion to be more. Containing just the European version of American "Quantitave easing. But before that the queen had no fear because ultimately had Bundesbank chief Weber assured her was the 750 billion dollars general be depleted, the Member States would increase its 500 billion dollar share.
Alla hopp "said the treasurer," we make it we are. The show must go on! "He grinned contentedly in the lap and was impressed by his intelligence. The queen graciously applauded, only the Regierungsnarr Seibert looked pretty foot around in the area and wondered strained how he could sell the Journaille at the next press conference. So they decided the other terms of the new mega deal that would go as always to the detriment of the population.
to peg to enabling the shit Iren billion pot, the country needs to set up a help request to the Euro-group finance ministers. If they say yes then, a delegation of the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund is sent to the country to determine the financial needs and to coordinate with the government, a restoration program. The program needs of the group and € - provided simultaneously to flow from the IMF loans - will be adopted by the IMF. Conditions and payment arrangements are recorded in an agreement. The EFSF can then go through the German Agency debt securities on the capital market and pass the money to the troubled country.
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Part 3 - ... and Groundhog Day!
After the third round of digestion liquor, which had donated the Greek Königssimulant Georgios Papandreou for his "guuten Frreunde" in Berlin, had been openly started Empire lies mediator Steffen Seibert to cry aloud, "bääääh, huuuuh , iiiimerr iich, now I'm back the idiot of the people must explain ... "
All he expressed regret and assured him they would be fully and completely behind him ... ..
looked sad the little Steffen at his Queen and said (to him to kick your ass!): "But you yourself have told you it would not be that banks, insurance companies and all other holders of government bonds would not be held responsible. "aloud Angie Merkel had a few days ago scolded. A "paradise" for investors that will not give it to her "
" Tjaa, so that's just. You do not get a flat surface what you want, "said Queen Angie, I. ; ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
ring Riing, Riiiing!!
heard in the distance, I ring bells, or was it just the damn alarm clock which I announced the start of a new, crappy day. In my head a little guy sitting with a hammer and pounded like crazy from finely shaping of my skull, the pituitary gland was playing the song of death ... .... Thank God, I thought it was all just a fucking nightmare was. Of course, the Greeks, its people, the Portuguese, the Spaniards and all the rest of Europe is not broke, there was no world economic (financial) crisis and the euro would be in a hundred years -Exist just like the wall of Erich Honecker. ... ... Or, or but-Yes, it was was. Everything in my dream was nothing but the brutal reality, the relentless logic of the market should regulate everything but.
The really big wheel turns on and on. It waits for the big Christmas rally, so that the fund manager of the Republic can still enter a nice bonus. For as a Porsche under the Christmas tree for the costs a secret lover, also an amount of coal. You have to sometimes have a little compassion for the better-paid workers. The Spekulationswellle rolls on ... ... ... ..
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