Actually, I did not have to prescribe something about Wikileaks, AAAAB ... ....
A few thoughts on the media handling of the published messages, the editorial selection and social relevance are then allowed that. What is Wikileaks and in what sense are the documents of the Cable Gate "is necessary for" us "as a whole society?

*** *** POPCORN are hilarious, especially the comments of the major newspapers, like this, the SZ, which again makes for real quality journalism attention. Examples:
Its servers are located in countries with a big heart for freedom of expression. Nevertheless, he accuses these democracies, complaining it "authoritarian conspiracies", which he - yes use, you must include the word - to force transparency on openness totalitarian will.
Yes in the country where the servers of Amazon, because, the press freedom at home! Since we must also publicly call for violence and murder ... ( ) But this is far from the Süddeutsche at the end, goes further.
will not accept for themselves Assange the rules of such systems. in Sweden since August are ads before for sexual assault and rape against the man. So leave Assange Sweden, although he wanted to take there because of the great freedoms of residence.
funny at the facts is surely not have changed too much. It is no wonder that many really big there is more to suspect a political vendetta in the U.S. (with the help of her Swedish "friends"). A rogue who thinks evil of it. And as it is with the "friendship" of Americans to their allies and allies so that even these days, see the documents published by Wikileaks ....
His publications in the name of freedom direct harm. They destroy policies that threaten humans can affect economies. The
to round off the nonsense a bit. It is not irresponsible policies, depraved morals and omnipresent greed, people, economies, Ecologies and the planet leads to the abyss - No, it is the "terrorist" Julian Assange.
The most amazing is the media circus, however, the "selection" of relevant news. As is having a huge fuss about the arrest, reports on the resistance of Internet activists against censorship funny a la Amazon and Mastercard, but it will not be asked the right questions. The message that our Chancellor rather than a mediator is known as a tough decision instead of Erin, but I do not need the Americans. So, so - listen, listen, Wester wave is a vain, arrogant, and who crave Peacock as if that was not whistling in the whole Federal Republika Nien the sparrows from the roofs would. is particularly interesting is the interpretation that comes from politics. In a kind of self-reference here takes a Rogue (USA) the message of another rogue (Saudi Arabia) to prove that the new villain, the evil is Iran. Ex Hillary Clinton:
I think it should be no surprise that Iran is cause for great concern, not only in the United States. At each meeting, in which I - somewhere in the world - will attend, I come across concern about the actions and intentions of Iran. So if any of the Comments on the vote in the alleged 'telegrams' is reported, this would confirm the fact that Iran in the eyes of many of his neighbors constitutes a very serious threat and that it far beyond the region of serious concern There. For this reason, the international community came together at that time and has the harshest possible sanctions imposed on Iran. This happened not because the U.S. said, "Please do that for us". It happened because other countries - after they had evaluated the evidence relating to the Iranian actions and intentions - to the same conviction passes were like the U.S.: We must do everything in our power to mobilize the international community to take action and to deter Iran, a nuclear weapons state to be. If anyone has the stories that are in the, uh, supposed ' telegrams' , reads and intensely think about it, this person will come to the conclusion that the concern is well founded on Iran and is shared by many, and ( we will) continue to hold in principle to the policy we have pursued until now - together with nations that share our views - and try to prevent Iran from nuclear weapons to give.
This reinterpretation of reality par excellence is more than just bold. Whether the people (and not just in Muslim countries), the look just has to be more than doubtful. New enemies are created, and any third-rate dictator tried to draw his own advantage. How pathetic!
The comments of Sarah Palin commenting on Facebook at all but is actually nonsense, but for the sake of completeness, Here you go:
First of all - what steps have been taken to the Director of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange to keep from spreading this highly sensitive material secret, especially after the past few months not once, but twice occurred is that he has released material? He did it not once but twice before? Julian Assange is no more a journalist as the editor of the new English-language magazine of al Qaeda: 'Inspire'. He (Assange) is an anti-American agent with blood on his hands. By his last release of secret documents, the Taliban found out the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources. Why was not gefahndet with the same urgency for him as for the leaders Al Qaeda and the Taliban? "
What it essentially does is not one or the other minor scandals, the degenerate ways of thinking of the imperial diplomat or something significant discoveries. A much more decisive argument is fully and without reservation to work for the hir Wikileaks also the remains of our democracy are perhaps unprecedented threat. In a special world in which the ruling oligarchies increasingly feudal tendencies, it is particularly important to engage themselves for the democracy of the people. Here's my main argument is
Article 20 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany:
- The Federal Republic of Germany a democratic and social federal state.
- All state authority emanates from the people. It is exercised by the people through elections and voting and by separate legislative, executive, and judicial.
- Legislation is subject to the constitutional order, the executive and the judiciary by law and justice.
- against anyone who undertakes to abolish this constitutional order, all Germans have the right to resist, if no other remedy is available.
Where banks and corporations beherschen using the lobbies, the policy must be a relentless disclosure of backroom politics be the reaction. Only it offers the possibility to the emerging issues and problems related to the answers. Nothing in this world is no alternative, or should be considered as such. Above all, in paragraph 2 erwänte state power that would emanate from the people, is restored. No one needs to wonder about the decisions the government makes to the general public if the "field men" have taken over this republic, the state power. I am firmly convinced that the conditions referred to in paragraph 4 are met as far as the resistance is not only a right but has become a must for every "real" Democrats. No one should be surprised if he soon wakes up in the dictatorship of capital.
a modification of the award, use the politicians so much for all the latest monitoring measures, "who has nothing to hide, has nothing to fear." Exactly who lives openness, is not as fast in the suspicion of the "sovereign" (the people!) to act.
Yes for God's sake, why in the world, the act will be so powerful? That's absurd! The answer is for once quite simple: the ruling class of the super rich, beherschen this world through their economic power to exploit and destroy, they know exactly what they have never had a legitimate, or will have. And certainly not by a legitimacy by the people. All the values they claim to represent (our much-vaunted "Western" values) are nothing but lies and deceit. Bare platitudes that infamous lies and manipulations that pursue only a single purpose. The exploitation of all People of the entire mankind, of all resources to enrich a small group of racist super master race. The dream of the white Anglo-Saxon stock before the race, their dominance of the left inferior world. All this talk about the Western values is empty free babble, and it is doubtful that it ever has been more than the theology of the God of money.
I think Wikileaks is an attempt in the world of politics with the scientific methods of finding the truth encounter. Today's demands on our democracy must be level and the "open-ended" review of our values be. No more, no less! We need for the 21 Century forms of society have the "real" problems of humanity needs.
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