Here are a few more findings from the global network of Madness (aka www.). Brutal, absolutely brutal what strikes one as so accommodating. Just right for the new column of everyday horror ... ... .. THE BULLSHIT DETECTOR ! Part 2
- DDR wall as a computer game
- World Press Freedom Day in the U.S.
- democracy of the red / red Berlin Senate
The "DDR", the good old days when the world was divided into good and evil yet clear. Now there's the whole thing as a whimsical add-on for Half Life 2 ( ) The Baller entertaining fun for the whole family is called "1378 km". One must choose in which role it slips, trigger-happy border guard may shoot at the refugees, or "poor" East German refugee who tries to wall to escape through barbed wire and minefields in the "Golden" West. The whole thing is also from a public university, the State College of Design in Karlsruhe. (HGF ) education policy in a different way. Now the screamer:
stated goal of the game is to interest the young Germans for the all-German history.
I kick off, so much nonsense to me really long time about the way gone. Tasteless, perverse and just plain sick. On the Fäkalskala of Bullshit Detector, a value of 6000 and smooth so that a score of 3 -. Not bad, but certainly leaves room for development!
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The United States is pleased to announce that it will host UNESCO's World Press Freedom Day event in 2011, from May 1 - May 3 in Washington, DC UNESCO is the only UN agency with the mandate to promote freedom of expression and its corollary, freedom of the press.
I will spare you and just every comment. Some things work by themselves on the holy Fäkalskala detector also smooth 6000 points and a smooth 3 -! Right on, Sir
About democratic understanding of the red-red Berlin Senate to talk yet forbids actually saying, but this is just too cute. In Berlin they are writing now in its coalition contract for votes to conform to party discipline. Where would we be out there even if MPs decide nachihrem conscience in the interests of their voters would? It's about the vote on the Youth Media Protection State Treaty (JMStV). The signed namely our top party animal Wowereit already, and now we have to fear the "good" reputation in the Senate and vote Wowi although it is totally against that and the contract is just a huge pile of shit anyway. Quote Link the Berliner Zeitung:
"eyes and go", the motto of the critic is involuntary, said a coalition of the Berliner Zeitung. Despite massive concerns in both parties are the coalition forced to Prime Minister Klaus Wowereit (SPD), not to damage the the treaty has finally signed.
wonder, since the men nor the politicians in this country, everyone has full of politics the snout. This proud achievement for the defense of democratic values obtained on the Bullshit scale impressive 5000 points, and thus the grade 4
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